Sending 150,000 of our best and brightest on a fool's errand for false reasons does not constitute "supporting the troops."
Okay, get this and get this straight. Criticizing our Government is not the same as criticizing our armed forces. Okay?

Furthermore, telling the press that you are disgusted by reports of torture does not endanger our troops. You're all so fired up desperate to know what does endangers our troops; I'll tell you what endangers our troops: Greedy, cretinous toad leaders who send them 12,000 miles away to a desert to fight a war based on lies. Lies about the threat, and lies about a phantom desire to negotiate. That's who is responsible for putting our troops in harm's way. The idiots who sent them into this -- and yes, its time to say it out loud -- this quagmire.

Quagmire, as in bottomless morass. Quagmire, as in Vietnam. A minor conflict that tore our country apart about three decades ago. Perhaps some of you patriotic Republicans remember? I know none of you bothered to serve over there, but you must have seen a History Channel Special on it. Does the movie "Apocalypse Now" ring a bell?

When Democratic leader Nancy Pelosi calls the Iraqi War a "grotesque mistake," House Speaker Dennis Hastert reacts like she is funding secret poisonous kim chi research in North Korea. "Leader Pelosi and the Democratic leadership should support our troops instead of spreading inflammatory statements." Hey, Hastert! Pay attention. The lady said absolutely nothing about our troops. She was talking about you, you moron, and the rest of the majority leadership.
Source: "Scoundrel city" by Will Durst - - 06.24.05

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How can so many people think that saying one is against the war is saying the same thing as "I don't support the troops"? I would think saying one is against the war in Iraq is the same as saying that one supports the troops because then one is supporting their right to be alive. "Supporting the troops" is paying them a middle wage, NOT counting their benefits (which Bush did), and not charging them to eat when they are injured! Linda

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