The US government could take simple steps to increase embarrassingly low voter turnout.
The constitution should be modified so that elections are not held on Tuesday. Elections should be held on a Saturday, or both a Saturday and Sunday. Optionally, we should allocate a national holiday on the first Tuesday in November (the day the Constitution designates as voting day) so that all US citizens have an equal opportunity to visit the polls on voting day.

The constitution should be modified to abolish the electoral college system that is used to determine the Presidential election. (In the 2000 election, Al Gore received over 5,000,000,000 more votes than George Bush.)

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I have never understood the electoral college system and probably never will. I think a national holiday on voting day is a fine idea. I wonder why it wasn't written into the Constitution that way. Linda
speaking of elections, this video has been floating aroun dall day...

Its very funny... At least we know the midwest is gungho about voting.


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