Iraqi oil revenues are not going to pay for Iraqi reconstruction after all.
In April 2003, the head of USAID said the cost of rebuilding Iraq wouldn't "even compare remotely with the size of the Marshall Plan.” Iraqi reconstruction has cost the United States $34.1 billion to date. Rebuilding postwar Germany cost $30.3 billion (in 2006 dollars).

Corruption costs Iraq $4 billion annually. $8.8 billion the U.S. gave the Iraqi government cannot be fully accounted for. More than 20% of the government's Ministry of Interior staff are "ghost employees" - nonexistent workers who collect paychecks. As much as 30% of Iraq's refined oil ends up on the black market or is illegally taken out of the country. The U.S. government says the insurgency raises $25 to $100 million a year smuggling oil. $9 billion in oil revenues has been lost, almost as much as Saddam Hussein stole from the U.N. Oil-for-Food program over five years.
Source: "The Cost: Paying the Price" Mother Jones - March/April 2007 Issue

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Bush has handled this whole Iraq thing so well. What a twit. Is the U.S. going to have to crash and burn before people realize what a mistake electing him twice was? Linda
The American people didn't elect Bush once, never mind twice. Webmaster

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