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Pretty nifty website. Public discussion and the exposure to different ideas are the only ways society will ever progress. Linda
What do we think of this idea of changing the Constitution so those born elsewhere (like, oh, I don't know, Austria) can run for president? We've had one actor as president, why not another? But if someone born in Austria can run, so can someone born in Iraq, Russia, Saudi Arabia, etc. Or is the idea to change the Constitution so only those who are approved of by the GOP can run? Linda
Why don't we just get rid of the constitution alltogether and put you in charge of everything? BlueMax
I couldn't do any worse at mangling the Constitution than those in power now. Linda
OH God, if a muslin got to be president over usa, SCARYYY.................
Actually the thought of ANY religious fundamentalist as President is scary. Unfortunately, that is exactly the scenario we have seen played out since 2000. Webmaster
Hey annonymous person above. Please explain what a "muslin" is. Muhammad
New York City
Muslin is a type of finely-woven cotton fabric, introduced to Europe from the Middle East in the 17th century. Its first recorded use in England was in 1670. It was named for the city where Europeans first encountered it, Mosul, in what is now Iraq, but the fabric actually originated from Dhaka in what is now Bangladesh....having a piece of cloth for president really wouldn't be all that much different from what we have now.... ;) monkeyfriedmonkey
San Francisco
Funding for Oboma even in the early years has been traced back to Herry Kissinger. Oboma has been the plan pupit for a long time now. The New World Order has a lot of control over the US Presidenial election process and 100% control over the cabinet advisory board. robert tollison
broken bow, ok

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